======================================================================== CallAudit Version 5.0 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Release Notes 12/09/2004 ======================================================================== Build 505-5 1. Final support update for CallAudit 5.0 series. Build 505-4 1. Corrects a problem with remote retrival where an incorrectly entered password would not play back correctly during the confirmation step. 2. Corrected a problem with automatic E-Mail sending with used with the SMTP/POP3 option. Some mail servers do not support user/password login, and this update handles these mail servers as well. 3. Updated program window sizes to better accomodate some differences in XP when the XP Desktop appearance style is used. 4. Updated software to work correctly with Windows XP Service Pack 2, for which changes in the System Service area would otherwize prevent normal startup. Build 505-3 1. Corrected a problem that could occur in CAV and CAV Pro when closing some audio related dialog displays. 2. Corrected a problem with NT Service operation for windows 2000, XP, and Windows 2003 Server. 3. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro dealing with caller hang up detection during the greeting message playback phase when used with the Hi-PhoneDesktop hardware device. 4. Corrected a problem with DDE and the interface with ACT!. If the user had selected the option to be prompted before first time callers had a new contact added, and the program was running minimized, this prompt would not occur, and a new contact would always be added. 5. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro where a touch tone entered by a caller during the voice message recording process could cause a looping condition if the same message was later played back via remote message retrieval. 6. Corrected a problem with the fax logs display. In some cases an indexing error would prevent viewing a previously sent fax. Build 505-1/2 1. Changes and fixes common with version 6.0 2. Corrected a problem in CAS where call duration would not display correctly when used with Zeus Whozz Calling CallerID hardware units. 3. Corrected a problem with E-Mail based paging, when used with the Program options for POP3 E-Mail sending. When the POP3 option was enabled, mail was still sent using normal MAPI Outlook or Outlook Express approach. This was due to an error in the way encrypted passwords were stored. 3. Corrected a problem relating to NT Service operation and Windows XP. The current SP2 Beta release of XP requires a different approach to NT Service operation, and this update uses that revised approach. 5. Corrected a problem in remote retreival in CAV and CAV Pro. In some cases a caller hang up at the wrong time would cause the program to loop over instructions without an exit. Build 504-4 1. Added support in CAV and CAV Pro for TalkVoice voice cards from CallURL. 2. Corrected a problem in MAPI E-mail. If two E-Mail addresses were used for auto E-mail sending, only the last would send correctly. 3. Corrected an error in CAV and CAV Pro dealing the mailbox action to GOTO another mailbox on no caller input. If this was used, and caller entered incorrect data, it would still GOTO the selected mailbox. This update corrects this error. 4. Misc bug fixes 5. Corrected a fax related problem that caused startup faults in CAV Pro when used with 3 or more telephone lines. 6. Corrected a problem with paging when the same modem is also being used to audit incoming calls. 7. Corrected a problem with call blocking when used with Zeus 4 and 8 line CallerID units. Build 503-4 1. Added DDE support for Goldmine 6.0. 2. Corrected a problem with WAV playback that occurs on some modems systems when a greeting file needs to be converted before playback. 3. Corrections for an issue that can occur in CAV when used with modem hardware in Win9x. In some cases, some modem data would not be received and processed. 3. Update to CallerID data processing for CAV and CAV Pro when used with modem product and receiving Out of Area calls. Some modems only process 1/2 of the data for OUt of Area calls, and the software shows No-CallerID for the call. This can also be Telephone company specific. Some send correctly formated Out of Area calls and some send a format the modem cannot read. 4. Correction to NT Service operation issue in Win2000. A comflict between NT service defintions and program startup could result in no startup. This update alerts the user to this situation, and resets the system for correct start up. 5. Update to paging area to allow the user to set the Subject of pages that are send via E-Mail. 6. Corrected a problem with automatic E-Mail when used with a user specified POP3 server. In some cases, the logon process (using the account and password provided by the user) would not connect correctly. 7. Added option to change the mailbox password as part of the remote retrieval process. 8. Support for Time Matters Version 5.0 in DDE options. 9. Corrected a problem with call log printing, where a user selected font size was not used when printing call log data. Build 503-3 1. Added option to change the ports used in TCP/IP communmications in CAV/CAV Pro and CAc/CAS client server communications. This allows users with clients behind a router to adjust port routing so each PC can receive messages from the server on the other side of the router. 2. Added feature to the time options area to specify a time range when an event does NOT occur. This can be useful for cases when you need to specify when an event is NOT to occur rather than an acceptable time range. 3. Added new Mailbox Action options to CAV and CAV Pro for remote retrieval of existing voice messages. This allows a user to build mailboxes used by specific callers that provide more convenient access to voice messages from one or more other mailboxes. 4. Corrected a problem that occurs associated with voice message dialing in CAV when used with modem products. When voice messages are forwarded to another number, successful dialing must occur first. Due to issues in Win2000 and winXP, it sometimes would take 2-5 dial attempts before it connected. This change improves this process to generally connect on the first attempt. This change also affects the use of command line dialing and WAV play which would have the same dialing issues with Win2000 and winXP. 5. Corrected a problem in CAV for volume control when playing back voice messages over the PC speakers using the Msgs button. When used with modem hardware, volume settings were not adjustable. 6. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro when used in Win2000 or XP with some modem hardware. A system WAV file that played when a user was doing remote retrieval could cause a system fault. Build 503-2 1. Corrected a problem that can occur in CAV for some cases when a caller hangup would not stop an existing voice message from being recorded. 2. Added the fetaure for automatic contact lookup across multiple Outlook contact folders. If the user has two or more contact folders, each will be searched when doing contact lookup based on telephone number. 3. Corrected a problem with the View Menu options, where the sort options were not appearing correctly for the incoming and outgoing call logs. 4. Corrected a problem with call screening that could occur on some systems when used with voice modem hardware. 5. Added options to the ModemTypes.dat file to increase the playback and record volume for some popular modems. 6. Added option to Outlook integration to automatically import Outlook contact data into the program PhoneBook for contact lookup. Use the OUtlook setup Wizard to set desired Outlook options. 7. Added feature to use the "Clear call logs every day at midnight" option on the Display tab of System Preferences for systems that are not normally running late at night. When the software starts up each day, and the "Clear" option is enabled, the call logs will be cleared if the program was not running at the previous midnight. Subsequent starts the same day will not effect the call log display. 8. Added option to Display tab of System Preferences to automatically minimize the program when incoming calls end. This can provide a quick and automatic way to see call history when calls occurs, and then have the program disappear to the system tray when calls end. 9. Corrected a problem that can occur in CAV when use with voice modems in Win95, Win98, and WinME. Some modem data would not make it correctly to the program resulting in the loss of CallerID data for some calls. 10. Corrected a problem with the Fast Forward/Rewind buttons in Audio playback in CAV and CAV Pro. On some Win95/98/ME systems the use of these buttons would cause various problems both within CAV and Windows. 11. Expanded the Voice Mailbox Wizard in CAV and CAV Pro to make it easier to create a multiple mailbox system. User enters mailbox name and description and CAV automatically generates both the mailbox and initial greeting message using the words from the description. Second level mailboxes can then easily be created and the touch tones necessary for caller navigation can be set. Use the Voice Mailbox Wizard option from the Wizards Menu or from the Mailbox tab in Voice Preferences. 12. Added a TeleZapper mode for answering calls from telemarketers in CAV and CAV Pro. This new option can be enabled on the calls tab of System Preferences. When enabled, calls from telemarketers (which usually arrive as either Out of Area, or Private) will be answered quickly and special tones played first just as the call is answered. These tones will signal the telemarketer equipment that your number does not work, and they will drop off the line. The system will contine by playing greeting messages as set by you and taking a message from any real caller. This option can also be enabled for selected telephone numbers as well. Double click on a desired number in the program PhoneBook. Move to the User Flds tab. Use the check box near the center of the display to mark a number for Tele Zapper mode. Press the Update button to save the number update. 13. Corrections to issues in the Fax On Demand processing section of CAV and CAV Pro. Added the FOD option to have an initial FOD greeting message that plays before any automated instructions to the caller about options. This allows the user to inform the caller of key information, like the number of the index document, before they have to select any documents for faxing. 14. Improvements in distinctive ring processing for some modems when operating in Windows 2000 or Windows XP. 15. Corrected a problem that can occur on some systems when using the POP3 E-Mail option on the System tab of System Preferences. On some Win98 PCs, the user entered password would not be saved correctly. Build 503-1 1. Added support for ACT! 6.0 and DDE support. Previous ACT! versions used true Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) for contact lookup support. Version 6.0 of ACT! removed this support entirely and replaced it with a new programming approach not connected with DDE. This change incorporates this new approach and offers the same options avaiable for former versions of ACT!. Use the ACT! option in the Wizards Menu to setup processing for ACT! 6.0. 2. Revised dialing process for CAV and CAV Pro in the voice message forwarding area when used with modem hardware. Voice dialing with modems is a hit or miss action. Dialing almost always works, but many times the call does not go through in a manner that can support the playback of voice messages. When this occurs, the program will hangup, and try the call again. The default is that the program will try up to 5 times and wait about 10 seconds between tries. Build 502-3 1. Corrected a problem in CAV when placing outgoing calls and using the Hi-Phone Voice Desktop device. In some cases, outgoing calls made from a handset connected to the device would not complete correctly. 2. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to have recorded message WAV files trimmed to remove silence data at the end of a record message. This option is enabled on the Advanced voice Mail options on the Answer tab of Voice Preferences. 3. Added option to disable all distinctive ring initialization for modem hardware. For some modem, use of distinctive ring initialization can have the effect of disabling CallerID. This option can be selected from the Advanced button on the CallerID tab of System Preferences. 4. Improvements in silence detection for CAV and CAV Pro when used with the Hi-Phone Desktop voice device. 5. Improvements in silence detection for CAV Pro when used with Pika Inline4GT voice cards. 6. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to delete voice messages as part of the remote voice message retrieval process. 7. Expanded options and ease of use for setting up Call Blocking. Many users desire to block incoming telephone calls from specific telephone numbers. In some cases this is done to better control calls from telemarketers. This feature can be accessed from the Calls tab of System Preferences or from the "Call Blocking Options" selection in the Edit Menu. 8. Expanded CallerID on Call Waiting support for the Hi-Phone Desktop hardware unit. When a CallerID on Call Waiting call occurs, a new call log will be added to show this call as well as any current call. 9. Improvements to CAV and CAV Pro for adding new mailboxes. When each is added, an automatic new greeting message (with no audio) is created and assigned. This makes the process or finding and recording a greeting for a new mailbox an easier process. 10. Expanded CAV and CAV Pro to support automated call recording for outgoing calls when used with Hi-Phone Desktop hardware. This works for all calls made using a phone connected to phone port on Hi-Phone Desktop hardware. 11. Added capability to record greeting messages in CAV and CAV Pro using the handset when the Hi-Phone Desktop hardware is used. The handset/phone must be connected to the Hi-Phone Desktop hardware. Sequence of events is as follows: A. Select handset recording option B. Select recording format (8 KHz 16-Bit is recommended) C. Press record button D. Lift handset E. Wait for recording beep (may take 3-4 seconds) F. Record desired message G. Press pause button to end recording H. Hang-up handset The result is usually better than recording using a microphone with less background noise and improved response. 12. Added call screening support to CAV and CAV Pro when Hi-Phone Desktop hardware is being used. This allows the user to hear a voice message while it is being recorded. To enable this feature, use the call screening checkbox on the Answer tab of Voice Preferences. 13. Added call screening support to CAV and CAV Pro when voice modem hardware is being used. This allows the user to hear a voice message while it is being recorded. To enable this feature, use the call screening checkbox on the Answer tab of Voice Preferences. Build 502-2 1. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro when used with the most recent firmware of the Hi-Phone Desktop device. Multiple DTMF detection would not work correctly. 2. Corrected an E-Mail related proboem in CAV and CAV Pro when used with the most recent firmware of the Hi-Phone Desktop device. Auto E-Mail sends would not go out correctly for incoming calls not answered by software. 3. Improvements in CAV Pro for the live call transfer options when used with ISA based Pika Inline voice cards. 4. Corrected a problem in CAV Pro for call answer when used with Dialogic voice cards. In some cases, answered calls would be immediately hung up due to late arriving ring events during the answer process. 5. Added option to label telephone line column in call log based on user criteria. For example, line 1 might display as "1 Home" whereas Line 2 might display as "2 Office". This feature is controlled via INI entries in the program INI file: [DistinctiveRing] LineLabel1=Home LineLabel2=Office Up to 128 entries can be added to handle up to 128 lines. 6. Added a button to the display tab of System Preferences to make it easier to find the option to edit what button bar icons are displayed. 7. Corrected a problem that occurs in call log display when fonts are enlarged. large fonts did not display correctly as the cell height was too small. 8. Corrected a problem that can occur in CAV when used with modems in Win2000 and WinXP for voice message forwarding. In some systems outgoing calls would hang up quickly before the call went through. 9. Corrected a problem in CAV Pro with call transfer when used with Dialogic Voice cards. 10. Improvements in the handling of distinctive ring for some types of modems in CAV and CAV Pro when used with Windows 2000 or Windows XP. 11. Improvements in call answer process for CAV Pro when used with Pika Inline card and distinctive ring calls. 13. Corrected a problem that occurs when downloading software update info. In some cases short text files would not download correctly, and software update could not be performed. Build 502-1 1. Added $mbtitle to the list of variables that can be used in DDE and E-mail options for incoming calls. 2. Expanded CAV Pro to work with a wider range of telephone systems where doing a flash hook to transfer a live call can be difficult. 3. Expanded program to better accomondate PC monitors that have power saver options enabled to power down the monitor after a fixed period of time. Now the program can both bring the monitor out of power saver mode as well as turn off the screen saver when an incoming call occurs. 4. Corrected a problem with the user customizable Subject line in E-Mail when used with CAV or CAV Pro for an incoming call where a voice message was left. 5. Corrected a problem with CallerID that can occur in some Windows XP systems and with some modems in CAV and CAV Pro. In XP CallerID info can come much later than in other versions of widnows, and a delay timer needs to be adjusted to allow for this delay in data that occurs for some modems in XP. 6. Added a Internet File download option that makes it easier for a user to download files from the MSI Internet Web site. Build 501-4 1. Corrected a problem that can occur with some Win98/2000 systems during modem initialization in CAV. Because of a windows issue, in some cases modem init would be delayed about 30 extra seconds. 2. Added option to add a user specifid string to the modem initialization process for TAPI based modem hardware. This can be used to force the string used to enable CallerID. Many modem drivers leave out the string to enable CallerID. This allows a simple way to add that in for any TAPI based modem. To enter a user string, do the following: A. System Preferences B. CallerID tab C. Press Advanced Options button D. Select "Enable Modem CID string" check box E. Enter desired string F. Press OK button 3. Corrected a problem with voice announce to handle the case where multiple area codes have been entered into the system. 4. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to use an alternate WAV interface for voice modem hardware. The default is to use Windows WAV drivers to play and record audoo data over a telephone line for incoming calls. However many voice modems have problems with the Windows WAV driver. The driver may be incorrectly installed or missing altogether. Use of this new interface can usually overcome this limitation. To use this new approach, do the following: A. Go to System Preferences B. Hardware tab C. Unselect the "Use Windows WAV Driver" check box D. Press the OK button E. Exit and restart CallAudit Voice See the program Help file for further information. 5. Improvements in CallerID detection for modems with CallerID drivers that are either missing or incorrectly installed. This has the most potential for Windows 2000 or Windows XP users, but can also help in some cases for Win95/98/MT users with modem CallerID problems. 6. Corrected a problem with Outlook use in program E-Mail options. In some cases, the program will not show Outlook as an option, even though it was corrected installed on the user system. This update corrects this situation. 7. The program call logs have user setable fonts. In some cases, due to a system crash or other similar situation, font values could become invalid and too large. The result is a call log with very large header area. The software has been updated to detect invalid font values, and replace them with default values. 8. Corrected a problem with automatic E-Mail processing. The software offers the option to use a user specified POP3/SMPT mail account for mail. In some cases E-Mail messages would fail due to the format of the E-Mail Header information. This change corrects this problem. 9. Support the new MSI voice hardware device, the Hi-Phone Desktop. This is a high quality replacement for voice modems. Features supported include: High quality voice playback and recording CallerID on call waiting Tracking of outgoing calls made from connected phone Call duration for all calls answered/placed from connected phone Distinctive ring support Music on hold Voice announce for CallerID on call waiting calls Automated recording for all incoming calls answered from connected phone Support for both serial and USB interfaces 10. Corrected a problem that can occur on Win9x systems with two or more modems being used by CAx as the same time. In many cases the system could not accurately tell which modem was ringing, and incoming call processing would not go correctly. 11. Corrected a problem that occur with some modems and Windows XP during remote message retrieval in CAV and CAV Pro. WAV format issues could prevent this process from working correctly. 12. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to compress recorded voice messages into an MP3 format. Use the Advanced Voice Mail Options button in the Answer tab of Voice Preferences to configure. 13. Added new mailbox action option to CAV and CAV Pro. New option allows an action to have caller enter a mailbox number, and then go to that mailbox. In the cases where many caller mailboxes exist, and a multiple digit code is used for each, this makes the process of selecting the desired mailbox easier. 14. Corrected a problem with Hangup button use in DialOut. 15. Added options to CAV and CAV Pro to allow answer ring count to be set by time and day of week for each telephone line/distinctive ring combination. Previously one setting controlled all lines. Now settings for each line can be set separately. Build 501-3 1. Added Enterprise version to the DDE link choices for Time Matters 4.x. 2. Added TAPI option to CAC and CAS to disable TAPI re-init after each call. While generally required for modem product, this can cause problems for other TAPI based devices such as telephone systems and TAPI based phones. 3. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to enable/disable Hold All Calls/DND option by time of day and day(s) of the week. Enabled via Advanced answer options from Answer tab in Voice Preferences. 4. Corrected a problem with the MSI web address link that displayed on the trial version countdown display. If the program was configured for internal Web Browswer use, the link would cause a program fault. 5. Improved WAV playback processing for cases where the selected file has no actual WAV data (a zero length WAV file). 6. Corrected a problem in CAV Pro where specific nodes could receive voice messages when they have been removed for a specific mailbox. 7. Corrected a display problem in CAV for multiple mailbox use. When a caller leaves a voice message in a specific mailbox, processing can continue to move the caller to other mailboxes before the call ends. Previously the last mailbox visited would display in the mailbox column on the program call log. This update changes that entry to the mailbox name where the voice message was left. If no voice message was left, the last mailbox visited still displays in the call log. 8. Corrected a problem that would delay the completion of TAPI modem initialization in Win95/98/MT systems. 9. Corrected a display problem that can occur on some Win95/98/ME PCs during the setup portion of CAV Voice Messaging. In some cases, the current entry window would be hidden behind the main program window. 10. Updated CAV and CAV Pro to allow the new voice hardware interface to also work with US Robotics/3COM modem products. 11. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAC for rejected calls when used in client mode with either CAV Pro or CAS. Rejected calls would show on server end, but not on client end. 12. Corrected a call blocking problem for CAC and CAS when used with TAPI devices (such as modems) in windows 2000 or XP. IN some cases a timing issue would prevent call blocking from working correctly. 13. Corrected a problem with Call Note update when used with Clinet/Server mode. When the incoming call log is used to display both incoming and outgoing calls, and when this display was used to update a call note, the note data would not refresh in the call log display. Call Notes for incoming calls would refresh correctly as would outgoing call notes on the outgoing call log display. 14. Expanded types of modems the alternate hardware interface in CAV supports to also include most models from US Robotics. The alternate hardware interface avoids most of the problems associated with windows WAV drivers as the software works directly with the modem to play/record audio data over the telephone line. To enable the alternate interface, do the folllowing: A. System Preferences B. Edit Menu C. Other Program Options selection D. Check the box shown as "New Voice Hardware Interface" E. PRess OK button and exit and restart CAV 15. Updated POP3 E-Mail options to be compatible with a wider range of E-Mail servers used by ISP providers. In some cases, the existance of text lines in an automated E-Mail message with a linefeed and no carriage return would result in no mail being sent. This update corrects this problem. 16. Added feature to CAV and CAV Pro to use Text-To-Speech (TTS) to speak the name of a caller when voice message forwarding is used. This info is played for each voice message, along with the existing data that includes call date/time, telephone line number, and caller telephone number. 17. Corrected a problem in CAV Pro dealing with imported WAV files used for a greeting message. If the original WAV file was 44KHz, then the resulting greeting message would not play correctly. This was due to a WAV format conversion error, as the Pika card used in CAV Pro can only support 8KHz and 11KHz WAV formats. Thgis change correctly converts the WAV file to a format that plays correctly. 18. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro where a blocked fax call would still go into fax receive. When a call is blocked, no further action should occur. 19. Corrected a performance problem that affected CAC when used with modem products in Windows 2000 or Windows XP. 20. Updated print settings to set Landscape as the default orrientation for printing. Build 501-1 1. Corrected a problem in CAV dealing with appending audio to a voice message. Because of an error in the way recorded WAV was calculated, in some cases, appending audio would fail. 2. Corrected a problem in CAC and CAV dealing with setting the PC time based on data received from CAS/CAVP in a client/server system. 3. Improvements in the PhoneBook import option when used with Outlook. If no home telephone number is present, the business telephone number will be used as the primary number within CallAudit. 4. Added option to block incoming telephone calls by time and day. This can be configured by the call Blocking button on the Calls tab of System Preferences. This can be used, for example, to limit calls to certain times of the day. When this feature is used, the caller hears a special message (CAV and CAV Pro only) stating that calls are not accepts at this time. 5. Corrected a problem associated with modem COM port detection for modems used with Windows NT 4.0. 6. Corrected a problem with DTMF detection for * and # keys in Win95/98/ME for some CAV and CAV Pro functions. 7. Corrected a minor display problem for fax reception. In some cases when a fax failed to receive, the page count shown in the call log window would be a large negative number. Now it shows zero as the count for a failed fax. 8. Added a new E-Mail option to allow the program to use a user specified POP3 E-Mail account for automatic program E-Mail send options. That can be useful to avoid security limitations in current versions of Outlook and OUtlook Express that prompt the user for any program automatic E-Mail sends. This can be enabled on the System tab of System Preferences. 9. Corrected a problem with dialog window placement. In some cases, topmost dialog windows would obscure other windows. 10. Preliminary support added for Dialogic voice cards in CAV Pro. All standard CAV features are supported. Due to the way Dialogic cards track CallerID, incoming calls will not show until the second ring. 11. Corrected a problem with PhoneDisc use. Two missing files from the user system would cause this interface not to function correctldesy. The missing files have been added back. 12. Added option to control creations of the program taskbar item. Normally only a system tray icon is used to control program display. This option, available from the display tab in System Preferences, allows a taskbar item to be displayed when the program is not in a minimized state. 13. Minor corrections to CAV for operation in Windows XP, where call status is handled slightly differently than in 9x/Me/2000. 14. Added option to CAV to allow fast forward and rewind buttons to function while a voice message/WAV is playing. This allows a quicker way to move forward and backward through an existing audio file. 15. Update to CAVP to correct a problem with # key detection during DTMF entry when used with Pika ISA voice cards. 16. Added new Wait Time and Play DTMF options to mailbox navigation options in CAV and CAV Pro. The Wait fime offers a timer, measured in seconds, when the user needs to insert a wait time as part of mailbox processing. The DTMF Play options provides the option to play DTMF tones during mailbox actions. This can be used when dealing with other remote voice mail systems, and in other more specialized user mailbox cases. 17. Improved the processing of hangup conditions such as Dial Tone and Fast Busy for some modem based versions of CAV and CAV Pro. This only applies when the new modem hardware interface is used, which is not enabled when installed. 18. Added new option to support locations where two or more area codes are considered local numbers. This can be used to set dialing options for such local numbers and voice announce to skip the area code portion. A new text file has been created in the Data sub-directory named: LocalAreaCodes.txt This file contains a list of local area codes and local area code/exchange combinations that are considered local. For example, if you area code was (540), but numbers in the (276) 676-xxxx exchange were also local numbers, they you would include the following entries 540 276 676 Any number of entries can be included to cover whatever area codes or area code/exchanges are considered local to your area. Each numeric entry should be on a separate line and contain no other data or characters. Edit this file as appropriate for your local calling area. You can also enter data for this file from the Calls tab of System Preferences. Press the "Local Area Options" button next to the Area Code edit area to enter data for your local calling area. 19. Corrected a problem with TTS-Sound processing for telephone line announcement. When the line number was disabled, TTS options would still announce the line. Build 500-3 1. Remote call bridge. 2. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro for immediate mailbox use based on a text file with wildcard telephone number entries. This allows a simple to send whole ranges of telephone numbers directly to a specific mailbox. The text file is named IMMEDIATE.DAT and is stored in the Data sub directory. The file has the form: MB = Desired mailbox title 5405551212 wildcard 2 wildcard 3 ... When a call occurs, the CallerID number is checked against this file. If the numaber matches any wildcard number in the file, then the program immediately answers the call and goes directly to that mailbox. 3. Improved processing of Distinctive Ring initialization for modems when used with CAV and CAV Pro. 4. Added option to CAV to review/change mailbox greeting messages when used in client mode with CAV Pro. This allows the user with CAV Pro running as a server and CAV running as a client on another PC to change greeting messages from the client PC. 5. Minor update to DDE portions to support Goldmine version 5.5. 6. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro when the PC WAV play mailbox action option is used in a mailbox with no other action options. 7. Corrected a display problem for the large fonts popup display. On a PC where the user has large fonts selected, the large display would not fill the screen correctly. This change adjusts for large fonts and fills the screen correctly. 8. Added option to mailbox preferences in CAV and cAV Pro to protect mailboxes from deletion. This provides a simple way to protect key mailboxes and their data from inadvertant deletion. 9. Update to CAS to support revised data formats for the 4 and 8 line Zeus Whozz Calling Lite hardware units. 10. Expanded CAV screen saver to accomodate multiple monitors when used in Win98, Win2000, or WinXP. 11. Corrected a problem in CAV and CAV Pro when using two or more modems in a Windows 2000 or Windows XP environment. 12. Updated all CAx versions to accomodate changes in the US Gov Servers that process Atomic Clock time checks. This allows for automatic setting of PC clock with Atomic Time each time the user connects to the Internet. 13. Added DDE support for TimeMatters version 4.x. 14. Corrected a CAV call transfer problem that occurs for some faster Windows XP systems where a modem is used for CallerID. In some cases fast dialing would prevent a call transfer from working correctly. 15. Corrected an error in CAV Pro related to multiple mailbox use and call transfer. When expanded call transfer is enabled for a mailbox, but basic transfer disabled, caller hangup detection would fail in some cases. Build 500-2 1. Added expanded call transfer options to CAV Pro. This new feature allows the user to accept/reject a call transfer. A rejected call transfer can be further processed by CAV to accept a voice message from the original caller or perform other functions. 2. Corrected a problem with tooltips. On Win95/98 systems some tooltip help displays would cause other program dialog displays to be hidden for 10-15 seconds. This update corrects this problem. 3. Corrected a minor display problem with call logs when items are sorted in ascending order. In some cases, new items added to the top of the call log would cause incorrect display text in the last item in the log. 4. Corrected a problem with sending automatic E-Mail when the Microsoft Exchange Server is used for mail processing. The selection of a global address from the Exchange Server Address Book would not send correctly due to an error in formating the send-to E-Mail address. This change allows the use of both standard E-Mail addresses from a Personal Address Book or Outlook Address Book, as well as addresses from the Exchange Server Global Address Book. 5. Added an AutoCall feature to CAV and CAV Pro. AutoCall allows the user to set up an automatic telephone call to someone which will play a pre-recorded voice message. The most common use for this is to reach someone who telephone number is currently busy. The program will continue to call the number until someone answers and presses a touch tone. The person will then hear your message, and optionally leave you a voice message as a response. The tupical sequence would be: 1. Program calls their number 2. Program prompts the party to press a touch tone key 3. Party presses a touch tone key 4. Party hears your pre-recorded voice message 5. Party can optionally hear the message again The program repeats steps 1-2 until a touch tone key is entered, or until a user time limit is reached. 6. Added mailbox navigation action option to CAV and CAV Pro to play a WAV file over the PC speakers when a mailbox is selected. This can be used to alert the PC user when a specific mailbox has been selected by a caller. This action occurs just after the mailbox greeting message has played and before any caller input. 7. Addition of a new See It Work section to the MSI Internet Web page. This new area provides a number of examples and tutorials on common program operation and features. Each example includes video and many also include audio. You can reference this Web area directly from the program Internet Menu. 8. Corrected a problem that occured when using the Fax Log display to view past fax data. 9. Corrected a problem with fax recognition and some CallerID functions when used with modem products in Windows XP. 10. Added option to CAV and CAV Pro to play either new or old voice messages when the MSG button is used to play back voice messages. This allows a simple way to replay all voice messages that have already been reviewed. 11. Corrected a problem in CAC and CAV that could cause program hangs on some systems when used in a Client/Server mode with cAS or CAV Pro. This would only occur on some Win2000 systems with fast network support. 12. Added new feature to the Report area to update dial out parameters for the results of a phone number report. This allows for an automated way to update dialing parameters when area code changes from the telephone company change the way numbers have to be dialed. To use, you run a PhoneNumber report by area code and/or exchange. Then the basic dial parameters (using the area code and dial prefix needed) are selected and all numbers from the report are updated accordingly in mass. Use the Edit menu to start this process by selecting the new entry for updating entries for new dial out parameters. Build 500-1 1. Corrected a display problem that can occur on some user systems. The program title bar could display the incorrect version info after a trial version is purchased using the integrated purchase utility. This did not effect the functions of the program, and only affected the title displayed at the top of the program. 2. Added new fax answer options to CAC and CAS for multiple line systems. This new feature, which is enabled via the Calls tab in System Preferences, allows the user to control automatic fax answer based on telephone line. 3. Added feature to remember user call log sort options. Call logs can be by any displayed column, both ascending and descending. This change allows the program to remember the last sort options selected and use that when the program starts. 4. Automatic database repair feature added. In some rare cases, the program database can become corrupted. This will usually be seen as a program fault at startup. When this is detected, the next time the program starts an automatic repair will be done. In most cases this can repair a damaged database. 5. Automatic program startup now supports the service concept in Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. This allows the program to start when windows starts, and runs even before/after a user logs on/off. 6. Corrected a problem that can occur on some slower CPU systems when the PhoneBook is opened. Highlighting a preselected number could cause a program fault if the PB list initialization was not completed. Build 499-6 1. Corrected a problem that caused the A drive to be accessed during startup on some user systems. 2. Added the option to CAS and CAC for automatic fax answer by telephone line. This is enabled from the Fax Answer button the Calls tab of System Preferences. 3. Fax software components updated. 4. Corrected a minor problem in CAV when using the Access Code option for blocked calls. Unless a password data was entered, incorrect calls could be routed for cases when the blocked caller enters no telephone number. Build 499-5 1. Corrected a problem in CAV when Immediate Mailbox is used. Previously the program would answer after 1 ring regardless of other ring settings when Immediate mailbox is used. Now the normal ring count applies and the immediate mailbox is used to set where the call starts when it is answered. 2. Corrected a problem with tooltip displays. Some dialogs would become hidden when a tooltip is displayed. The Dialog would reappear after the tip closed. Version 5.0 uses some new third party software components, including the portion used for tooltips. As it turns out, some of these componments have needed internal work to perform correctly in all cases. Build 499-3 1. Corrected a problem that can occur when a user installs a 5.0 version on a system with a 4.0 version also installed. If the 4.0 version was set to start with windows, then both versions will then try to start when windows boots. This change turns off the system service option for the 4.0 version and only starts the newer 5.0 version. 2. Corrected a problem for upgrade pricing for existing CA 3.0 and 4.0 users. In some cases, the correct upgrade price would not be displayed. Build 499-2 1. Added feature to CAV to allow the option to delete/not-delete voice messages during remote retrival. This allows the choice during the call as to the status of retrieved voice messages. Messages marked as deleted will not be available for future remote retrieval but will be available locally until the call log item is cleared. 2. Misc internal changes and performance improvements. Build 499-1 1. Initial program Beta release. Options and features added since 4.0 product include: 1. Expanded E-mail support to integrate received E-Mail messages as separate items in the program incoming call log. Call log can now show E-Mail subject and sender information as new call log column display options. 2. Automatic Web connection feature to automatically retrieve E-Mail messages. The interval is user settable from seconds to hours. 3. Multiple receipents and distribution list can now be used as part of the programs support for sending automatic E-Mail. 4. Additional user fields and options added to Report area to support a wider range of call reports. 5. Expanded support in the X10 area. Schedules can now be set based on day of the week in addition to current time options. 6. X10 scheduled event log can now be quickly sorted based on simple column clicks. 7. Expanded program call log. A default background color is now set. this can be changed in the Display tab of System Preferences. A new "Outlook style" view bar has been added to the left portion of the program. This allows for quick access to many program functions via buttons in each group. Six groups have been added, which include: Call Info Fax Other Views Internet Settings Wizards Moving the mouse over each group item will expand that group and provide a tooltip display with further information. Call log column sorts are much faster as no database action is now required. A call log of 1000 items can be sorted in less than a second. Key call log columns now can be directly edited from the call log. Caller Name can now be easily edited by single clicking on the desired cell twice. An in-place Edit window will appear where changes can be made. Clicking on any other cell saves changes, and updates the call log. The call log now includes horizontal and vertical grid lines. These can be configured in the Display tab of System Preferences. 8. Call notes now include an action item option and an alarm option. This allows the user to create a call note with an action that needs to be completed. An automatic program alarm can be quickly configured for each such action item. Open action item call notes are marked in the Status column of the call log as !Action Item. 9. The colors and fonts in the PhoneBook have been changed to provide better readability. 10. The Trial Version now includes the feature for automatic revalidation if the user should have to reformat their hard drive. A common issue here is a user who downloads and purchases a product directly over the Internet. At some point the in the future, they have a hard drive problem that forces a reinstall of windows and/or reformat of the hard drive. They then redownload and reinstall the same trial version. If they then open their Internet connection, the program will automatically revalidate the initial user registration data. 11. Support for Windows ME and XP in addition to 95/98/NT/2000. Build 499-4 1. Corrected a problem for the large Yellow full screen incoming call popup display. In some cases, the last line of data would not appear correctly. 2. Added a number of command line options that can be used by other third party software to control various program functions. See the program Help file for further details. 3. Improvements in Fax processing for incoming fax calls in CAV. In some cases received fax data would effect the next incoming voice call. On some Win98 PCs, using distinctive ring to auto answer as fax would fail. This was due to Win98 providing duplicate fax messages, which caused the fax receive problems. This only occurs on some Win98 systems. See the program Help file for further information. ================================================================================ See the CallAudit help file for the most current information about product features and capabilities. Please send any problems, comments, suggestions, etc to support@mtnsys.com Thanks from Mountain Systems