Pika Inline4GT Voice Card Setup

Normally the Pika Inline4GT voice card setup is automatic. If the automatic process does not work, the steps below can be used to configure the voice card.

Windows Drivers

No true windows drivers are necessary for the Inline4GT card.  The device manager for windows will look as follows, which is completely normal:

The entry for Other PCI Bridge Device with the red x and yellow question mark is normal and does not cause a problem.


Check board detection status:

  1. Find C:\MonteCarlo directory

  2. Find Bin subdirectory

  3. Run MC-License.EXE utility

  4. Display should look like following picture


Check board setup status:

  1. Find C:\MonteCarlo directory

  2. Find Bin subdirectory

  3. Run PKSetup2.EXE utility

  4. Expand each icon on left side

  5. Result should appear as below

If the 7 icons (Advanced Tone Detection, ..., Tone Generation) are now shown, use the  Disable/Enable options to add/remove as needed.


Check Advanced Tone Detection settings:

  1. Highlight Advanced Tone Detection icon

  2. Display should appear as below


After changes are made, use the Setup Menu and the Store option to save changes.  Then restart CallAudit Voice Pro.


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